Throughout the years, NAIOP San Diego (NAIOPSD) has spearheaded many different worthy community outreach programs and several years ago, the Board of Directors established the Foundation. Its goal help our industry and members to become actively involved in helping the community where we work, live and play. As San Diego is a big military town, it was not difficult to select and partner with a group of Special Operators within the 1st Marine Raider Battalion of Camp Pendleton (1st MRB).
Initially we began our focus with this cause coined the “Adopt-A-Marine Buddy” campaign which gave each volunteer NAIOP member a specific Marine to adopt before, during and after his deployment. As we grew our efforts, we formally adopted the entire battalion. These Marines and Sailors are a unique warrior breed. They are hugely talented, bright, and dedicated. The Marines, Sailors and their families are the best and finest our country has to offer. We are very proud of our relationship with 1st MRB and we are honored to support them as they do our Nation’s business around the world.
Since the inception of Adopt-A-Platoon, NAIOP’s members have supported the 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion over multiple deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
To date, the Community Involvement Committee has coordinated several volunteer efforts and provided support to the units before, during and after deployment. NAIOP SD members have taken care of family members in times of need and supported the men during long challenging deployments. Our members have also celebrated the safe return of these brave men and we have mourned with them during tragic losses. It has been the committee’s intent to foster a friendship with these brave men and their families. Our members have been truly remarkable. The commitment and dedication to 1stMRB has been incredible. Many of our members have directly participated and have been very charitable with their time and money.
NAIOP San Diego put its real estate “know-how” to work to design, fund and erect a permanent monument at Camp Pendleton to honor fallen Marines of 1st MRB. The granite slab pinnacle sets atop a base of precast concrete with the names of 1st MRB Marines who have been killed in action engraved in the stone. This is a wonderful example of the human side of San Diego business -that while we all need to make money, giving back sometimes provides the greatest worth. Gold Star Families continually travel to the base to reflect and honor their loved ones.
Being able to help the community in this fashion has not only been patriotic, it has brought the NAIOPSD community together to give to a cause that is in the forefront of their minds. Helping these Marines will be a long term (permanent) project for us. We are committed to continue to support 1stMRB and many of our members have really expressed an interest in being involved in some way.

Marine Raiders, family and friends join NAIOP SD to dedicate the monument to honor the fallen heroes of 1st MRB.

NAIOP Members attend a Change of Command Ceremony
To date, NAIOP San Diego Foundation has supported the Marines by
- Designing, constructing and gifting a permanent monument for those 1st MRB Marines killed in action.
- Designing, constructing and gifting a Wall of Honor for those in 1st Marine Raider Battalion who have earned the prestigious Naval Cross award.
- Hosting their pre and post deployment dinners.
- Sending care packages to forward deployed Marines.
- Sending a Mother’s Day card and gift to all the wives.
- Covering a Marine’s family transportation costs to hospitals away from home.
- Assisting a Marine’s family that needed to be moved while the Marine was deployed.
- Helping a Marine’s wife fly to her father’s funeral in Japan.
- Hosting a post deployment party for some of the Marines in Perth, Australia.
- Hanging Christmas lights for families of deployed Marines.
- Supporting their annual holiday party.
- Hosting a pamper day for Marine’s wives.
- Hosting Family Events throughout the year
- Sending a MARSOC Marine’s children to UCLA for a specialized program.
- Supporting their Marine Ball
- Helping with the inception of their Foundation
- Providing company t-shirts to the deployed marines.

Sharing letters and notes we have received…
Dear NAIOP San Diego –First let me take the time to thank you for your tremendous support of the men and families of MSOC D. Your kind action, letters, generous packages, thoughtful emails, spa days for the spouses and patriotic spirit really make a difference while the Marines and Sailors are away from home and their loved ones. Your continued support far exceeds anything I have witnessed in my 14+ years of active service. It is an understatement to say that the Marines have been amazed by the generosity of NAIOP San Diego. We have received practical care packages, inspiring messages, and a means to celebrate at the conclusion of a successful mission. We watched from afar as our family members were given assistance in their time of need. However, the gift that got us through the darkest hours of combat was the knowledge that there are Americans like you dedicated to our nation’s service members. It is gracious people like the members of NAIOP that comprise the fabric of our society and make our country great. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation as we are humbled by your good will. We all look forward to seeing you when we return. God Bless.