NAIOP San Diego is dedicated to commercial/industrial/mixed use real estate and continues to represent the real estate industry with strong legislative representation and great networking opportunities, educational programs, and mixers which brings the industry together for exclusive networking and experience exchange with their peers. NAIOP-San Diego literally represents a “who’s who” in commercial/mixed use/retail and industrial real estate.
The 750+ local membership includes owners, real estate developers, investors, asset managers, consultants, and brokers who create the built environment we all work, shop, and recreate in. NAIOP members build and maintain the structures that house JOBS, the lifeblood of our economic vitality and quality of life. In essence, whatever may occur in the commercial/industrial real estate industry, NAIOP is on top of it to advise, educate and advocate.
As a strategic initiative, NAIOP champions diversity by providing resources and case studies on incorporating professionals diverse by ethnicity, gender and age throughout the industry. It is unequivocal in its position that commercial real estate companies should take a leading role in encouraging and adopting diversity in the workplace. We are committed to building and supporting a diverse membership and creating an inclusive culture that can be replicated by our partners in the industry. Commercial real estate is not just about the walls that are built, it is about the spaces we create for people to work and come together. As a chapter, we must be vigilant in our leadership and not only encourage but insist on progress.
Chapter Awards
2010 Chapter of the Year
2011 Best Developing Leader Chapter
2012 Best Community Service Chapter
2014 Best Special Event Award
2022 Best Government Affairs Chapter